
But when I tried it on I just could not get it on round my ankle. I tried several times at differing times of the day in case my foot had swollen, but no joy. So the sock is being ripped. It will also make me disinclined to try out another sock pattern, except for rib as I know that would be very stretchy.
The decluttering slowly continues, though it is mainly things which have been hidden away so there’s no discernable lessening of stuff. Jam jars, tiles and a couple of old ghetto blasters have gone to new homes courtesy of Freecycle. And I took my old guitar and sewing box to the charity shop last week, along with a large rucksack full of other bags. I have to acknowledge that despite loving bags it is the one object I buy and then don’t use. Don’t have that problem with clothes purchasing as I rarely buy clothes…
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