No such thing as too much wool

Wool ramblings, spinning, dyeing and knitting

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Skipnorth Part II

On Saturday our first stop was Coldspring Mill
where I bought blue for a cardi for Niece Number Three, bright red Aran for me and some Twilleys, just because it was a lovely colour.

And then to the Skep where we split into two groups as though the room might possibly have held us all but we wouldn’t have been able to breathe. I went for a cup of tea with Fred before buying some fabulous red/purple/dusky pink light chunky which is already several inches of a top down raglan jumper, some pinky Aran, and some dark purple and red sock yarn which is also a WIP as a baby blanket. Do you spot a colour theme here?
And then it was onto the Knitting and Crochet Guild and its fab yarn mountain (this is only a small portion).
I have been here a few times so am on first name terms with a couple of those there. I haven’t yet joined the Guild but consider myself a Groupie as I do go to the local meetings and have helped on their stands. They had a small amount of their collection on display, including some socks.
Just to confuse my gentle readers, we have cones of green yarn and books, two of which were from the streamlining of their library. I already have the Montse Stanley but it is one of the two books I always buy if I see it at a reasonable price to give away to friends. And a couple of Addi turbos.
And then it was back to the hostel for dinner. The four of us in our dorm ate with the sixth form teenagers who were also staying as we missed the announcement about having a later sitting (I was still first in the queue).

On Saturday night a little informal spinning class was taken by Sheila from America. Anne took to it like a duck to water.

Elaine was not so sure it was for her. And we crocheted some of the Afghan together.


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