I went to the NEC to the Sewing for Pleasure show to help on the Knit’n’natter stall, now renamed the Picknit in honour of a picnic for Shaun the Sheep. Enjoyable company was had with Yvonne, Sue (who provided the scrummy lemon cake), Fred and Noonie.
I didn’t go with the intention of buying anything but to indoctrinate people in the ways of knitting. I only taught one young girl, though others on the stand taught knitting, crochet and finger knitting. I have yet to go on a Saturday when it is incredibly busy so we mainly had a lovely time chatting.
But I did buy things: buttons from the Button Lady - blue for Niece Number Three’s cardi and the others just because they were sweet. And a big skein of smooth mohair (I can’t be doing with fluffy mohair as it itches like crazy and reminds me of some naff jumpers I knitted in the early 80s. And when trying to find photographic evidence I found a photo of me on a German exchange in 1985 with a perm and wearing both a blue batwing and a grey fluffy cardi - both handknitted with complete disregard for correct tension esp the cardi). and two cones of fine sheep’s colour Swaledale from Riverside Spinning.
I didn’t go with the intention of buying anything but to indoctrinate people in the ways of knitting. I only taught one young girl, though others on the stand taught knitting, crochet and finger knitting. I have yet to go on a Saturday when it is incredibly busy so we mainly had a lovely time chatting.
But I did buy things: buttons from the Button Lady - blue for Niece Number Three’s cardi and the others just because they were sweet. And a big skein of smooth mohair (I can’t be doing with fluffy mohair as it itches like crazy and reminds me of some naff jumpers I knitted in the early 80s. And when trying to find photographic evidence I found a photo of me on a German exchange in 1985 with a perm and wearing both a blue batwing and a grey fluffy cardi - both handknitted with complete disregard for correct tension esp the cardi). and two cones of fine sheep’s colour Swaledale from Riverside Spinning.