A pregnant shawl

As I was cycling home from work along the canal on Monday I heard the strains of a saxophone playing and realised a man was practising on the towpath under an echoy bridge. It really made me smile. I like the camaraderie of cycling to work – the majority of my fellow cyclists say hello or at least nod the head in acknowledgment.
A completed shawl. It’s another poor photo. This was a pure wool (machine washable from the stash), much deeper red than it appears, in the pinwheel design. It has to rate as one of the most boring things I have ever knitted. The final appearance is nice, though I didn’t have enough time or wool to do a frilly edge as it’d originally planned. As I don’t have a telly I generally prefer more interesting knitting patterns. The recipient left on Friday for maternity leave.
This brings me down to just nine projects on the go, so once I have finished the essay I am currently penning on 19th century constitutions I will dig into the piles of wool everywhere and start something new. I think I may go for another felted bag as I have random balls of homespun and plant dyed merino which felts beautifully. And I quite fancy another rucksack…